Thursday, February 11, 2010

Here's a couple more pics from the 'Big Snow Removal!' This is a view of Randy's legs from the front door window as he shovels snow to make room for the snowblower to throw it off the porch. By the way, the window is almost 6 ft from the floor! Right before I took this pic, I'd been out there walking along bending over to take my Christmas lights down.
Randy breaks through and is heading for the front door.

This is what he had to deal with. He'd chop down snow then blow it away. Chop, blow, repeat, for 3 hours.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Aaron has been in Ghana for a little over 5 months. He his loving his missionary experience, fishheads and all! He has had several baptisms do date. Anyone can email him at He will love to read your letters, but cannot write back to everyone.
We really got hammered with snow in January. There was so much snow we decided to shovel it off our roof before it caved in! We hired the basketball team to do the job and 17 boys showed up.
Randy tried to keep up with the snow they were pushing off the roof, but it was futile. The front of our house ended up sealed off for three days. It took Randy 3 hours to punch a hole into the front door. He said that when he reached the door he felt like he was rescuing someone!
Monticello hasn't had this much snow since the 1960's.